U.N. Mehta Institute, Ahmedabad Recruitment 2016
Date of Interview : 01 & 02 July 2016
1. Post Name : Jr. Account Officer
Qualficiation : B.Com or M.Com or MBA ﴾Financial Management﴿ & Equivalent
Salary : Rs.23,000/‐ per month
2. Post Name : Technical Assistant
Qualification : Graduate & Equivalent
Salary : Rs. 8,000/‐ per month.
How to apply: Applicants have to come with all original documents and certified true copy of each documents. ﴾viz. Birth Date, Academic Qualifications, attempt, mark sheet, relevant experience certificate issued by supervising authority, special achievement, if any; and one passport size photograph, etc.﴿.
Venue: 3rd floor, New Building, U .N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad‐380016
Interview Date & Time:
Jr. Account Officer: 01/07/2016 at 10:00 AM
Technical Assistant: 02/07/2016 at 10:00 AM

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